Saturday, February 25, 2012

Foaming Handsoap for 5 CENTS a bottle

I really like foaming handsoap.  My girls use 2 squirts of whatever kind of soap I put at the sink, so if I use regular liquid soap, we go through A LOT of soap.  I have tried to get the perfect foaming soap recipe and FINALLY found it, so here it is...

1 Tbl. Dawn Ultra-Concentrated dish soap
An empty foaming handsoap bottle (I used an old Bath & BodyWorks one that I received as a gift.)

Add a little warm water in the botom of the dispenser, add the dish soap, fill to ALMOST the top, leaving a little room to gently combine after putting the lid back on.
THAT'S it; the perfect foaming handsoap. WOW!

So, because I am a little bit nerdy (maybe a lot frugal), I wanted to do the math and see how much this was going to save me.  I bought the dish soap at WalMart's regular price- no coupons.  (I KNOW, all you couponers, this is something I should be getting for free, but I just don't get the whole couponing thing yet- Never say Never, but right now, it's not worth it for me!)  I paid just over $2.00 for the bottle.
This ONE bottle will refill my soap dispenser about 47 times, making each time I refill it a whole whopping 5 CENTS (on the high side) to refill!!!!  The Aldi brand of foaming soap I normally use is $1.57 a bottle!!!!  I just made $70.  Now, just think if I actually bought the B&BW soaps normally- WOAH!  Major Savings! 

Try it out.  Tell us what you think!

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